Concrete examples are a great teaching tool, but unless you eventually
teach the concepts behind the examples, your students are incapable of
applying their knowledge to do anything beyond what they can glean
from the examples example. It's like teaching math purely through
example with no theory: your students may be able to pass your tests,
but they won't understand what they are doing and come next year they
won't be able to build on what they learned.

I'm finding the lift book sorely lacking in teaching concepts, and
because of that I'm having an all but impossible time learning what is
actually possible in lift. I  I am not the kind of programmer that
just copies and pastes other peoples' examples. I want to understand
my tool and use it to it's fullest potential. When the lift book
describes how pages are rendered, as if teaching a concept, and leaves
out essential details like what scope templates are actually searched
in, how am I supposed to understand how Lift works without posting to
this mailing list or reading the source code?

I wasted a couple of hours reducing my problem down to the simplest
test case, and this is not the first time since learning lift where
I've wasted so much time only to learn that either something doesn't
work or doesn't work the way I thought. I'm pretty sure that had I
picked rails or django for my pet project I would have been done
already. Is it simply that Lift is too cutting edge for me? Am I the
only one wasting hours of time learning how Lift and other Java tools
work rather than getting my app written?

I'm sorry if I sound frustrated. It is not just Lift I am struggling
with. It's the whole stack I'm trying to learn! I am just getting
immersed into the Java world again during my spare time. JAXB
(especially JAXB!), buildr/maven/ant, Jetty, Scala and it's Eclipse
plugin, Lift, each one of these tools has taken up hours of my time as
I struggle to do what I thought I could do easily by reading about the
tool or reading the tool's documentation.

I am grateful for your response though and will take time to learn
more about what the sitemap means in Lift.

- Sean Reque

On May 30, 2:56 pm, "marius d." <> wrote:
> To access a page you need to add it in the SiteMap. I assume you are a
> bit confused about the relation between a Menu and a page. I mean
> after all maybe for your site you don't really need a menu but in Lift
> a Menu is much more then a visual representation of a way to navigate
> to your pages. It specifies various things such as how to access a
> page (constraints definition), visibility of a page in the sitemap
> Menu etc. So in short the SiteMap + Menu + Loc describes how pages can
> be accesses in a Lift app.
> The Lift book describes that by the means of concrete examples,
> detailed Menu & Loc descriptions etc. Maybe some things in the book
> are not very obvious for a first read or just reading it as
> ultimatelly learning Lift is about coding trying things. The book is
> just a mean to an end, I would say.
> Br's,
> Marius
> On May 30, 9:38 pm, Sean Reque <> wrote:
> > I have the pocketchange app with lift 1.0. I add a directory in webapp
> > with an index.html file, identical to the help directory except with
> > some changed text. I visit the URL corresponding to the directory and
> > it doesn't show up at all, but tells me the requested resource is not
> > found. I then add the directory index.html file to the global sitemap
> > in Boot.scala the same as it's help counterpart, recompile and restart
> > jetty, and suddenly, without even using or touching the sitemap,  lift
> > displays the processed template. I've read the template finding
> > algorithm described in the exploring lift book and it makes no mention
> > of any such requirement, and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have to add
> > every single template file to the global sitemap to get lift to even
> > recognize it's existence. What important detail am I missing?

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