Hi guys,

I know this is more a Scala question than a Lift one but I do all my
web programming within frameworks and I find it's easiest to learn a
language when doing a real project...

Are there any tutorials, let alone good ones, introducing Scala (and
Lift) to programmers with no knowledge or interest in Java?

I've seen several introductions to Scala for Java programmers (Scala
for Java Refugees and Alex Blewitt's articles look particularly in-
depth) but next to nothing for people with other backgrounds. I know
that most Scala people are coming from Java but I would imagine that
there is something for us coming from beyond the Java world.

As for me, I've done a lot of stuff in PHP (CakePHP) and Python
(Pylons, Django) and have spent the last six months mostly doing front-
end work in Javascript. Basically I'm a quick and dirty interpreted
language coder and I'm now looking at Scala because I believe my next
project will demand (near) real-time performance that I don't think
I'd be able to get in my usual languages. Lift looks like a really
nice framework and its Comet, XMPP and OSGI integration are things I
will most likely use in the project.

As somewhat of an aside, I'd like to add my two cents about the
existing tutorials. The To Do tutorial was quite nice and a great
introduction to Lift but didn't leave me at the point where I'm be
comfortable writing my own stand-alone code. I wanted to then do the
PocketChange tutorial (thanks for putting the PDF of the book online!)
but it's way too high-level for me and glosses over a bunch of stuff.
For instance, "import ... standard imports ..." is very unhelpful for
me – I still don't know what are the standard Lift imports! Finally,
the tutorial code snippets on the wiki are very useful.

Like I said, I understand that I'm looking for more a Scala tutorial
than a Lift one but I appreciate any links and suggestions. Thanks for
the great work on the project and as I make progress in my learning I
promise to write up my experiences!

Peter Robinett

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