On 16 Jun 2009, Philippe Kirsanov wrote:

> Thank you for the reply, however I don't think this is the issue (I
> tried and that didn't work).Seems like issue in which version of Jetty
> is used.  Maven generates pom file with jetty version "[6.1.16,)" and
> this works from command line, in Eclipse however it tries to use
> version "7.0.0.pre5" (I see it in dependencies). Changing jetty to
> version "7.0.0.pre5" in pom forces same error running from command
> line.  The question is how to make maven plugin Eclipse use jetty v6
> and not 7 pre5.

Ahh sorry, didn't read the error message thoroughly :-) Why not just
change jetty to 6.1.16? I went through the same steps some time ago. I'm
not quite sure how I got the stuff info Eclipse, but my Eclipse project
references jetty-6.1.6. Maybe something has changed in the lift plugin
since then. This is from my pom: 



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