I think that there's talk in 2.8 of having tab completion or something
similar in the REPL.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:23 PM, g-man <gregor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All the Scala books and tutorials recommend using the Scala
> interactive shell to set up scenarios and learn how Scala works.
> I agree, but my problem was the (apparent) lack of something like
> Python's >>>dir(object) call, which gives you all the 'names'
> available; Ruby and Erlang have similar commands, but not, as far as I
> know, Scala.
> I did find a little script that does just that at:
> http://lousycoder.com/blog/index.php?/archives/91-Scala-Querying-an-objects-fields-and-methods-with-reflection.html
> with the source at:
> http://gist.github.com/87519
> I compiled it, and when I import it, it works just dandy:
> scala> import ScalaReflection._
> import ScalaReflection._
> scala> 3.methods__
> hashCode
> reverseBytes(int)
> compareTo(Object)
> compareTo(Integer)
> equals(Object)
> toString(int,int)
> toString(int)
> ...
> scala> 3.fields__
> digits
> DigitTens
> DigitOnes
> sizeTable
> value
> serialVersionUID
> Perhaps there is something like this already built-in to Scala, but I
> can't find it... if not, it may be worthwhile adding.
> Now, what I want to know is: is there a way to load an actual Lift
> session into the interactive command interpreter, so I can create and
> check out out functions, etc? I remember doing that with Ruby and
> Rails back in the day.
> >

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