
I think that Record framework may play a relevant role in processing
REST requests. I mean picture the following model:

class MyRecord extends Record[MyRecord] {

        def meta = MyRecordMeta

        object firstName extends StringField(this, "John")
        object lastName extends StringField(this, "Doe")

object MyRecordMeta extends MyRecord with MetaRecord[MyRecord] {
 override def mutable_? = false

In boot we could say something like:

MyRecordMeta.dispatch.append {

case (Req("create" :: "person" :: Nil, _, _), rec) =>
    //rec is the record constructed by this meta record based on the
REST QS parameters.
    val validationResult = MyRecordMeta.validate(rec)

   // return a Box[LiftResponse]

// The http Request would look something like: http//<host>/create/

As you can see it is very similar with DispatchPF, in fact under the
hood it will just register a DispatchPF construct the record for us
and we can use the actual information in a type safe manner.

I could add this support soon enough but first I'd like to know if you
think this would be helpful.

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