Hello, all.

I'm just getting started with Lift and am having trouble pulling some
of the basic ideas together. I've never worked with Rails, but come
from a Struts/Spring background. I'm just learning Scala now also. I'm
having trouble seeing how the application flow works, specifically, I
do something on a web page, something happens on the server, then I
get a new page back or some data or whatever.

Can anyone give me some code snippets for the following scenario?
(using just the basics, nothing with SiteMap or the Mapper db stuff)

-You have a simple html page with a text box and a button.
-You enter text and click the button
-A Scala function gets the input as a parameter
-A new html page is returned to the user.

Very simple stuff, but I'm having trouble picking these basic parts
out of the tutorials and docs I'm looking at.

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