What's the type of "temperature" and what's the signature of the toDouble
method on it?

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com>wrote:

> Thanks, Jeppe, that's what I was missing.
> To continue to hijack this thread with my own questions, I'm having a
> problem creating the data List[(Double, Double)] that FlotSerie wants.
> I have:
> override val data = MyModel.findAll(By(MyMode.id, myId), OrderBy
> (MyModel.datetime, Ascending)).map(m => (m.datetime.getTime.toDouble,
> m.temperature.toDouble))
> This gives me an error saying I'm missing arguments for toDouble in
> class MappedDouble (this is MyModel.temperature) and suggests treating
> it as a partially applied function. I'm not sure I want to do that
> but, trying it anyway (with "m.temperature.toDouble _"), I got an new
> error saying that List[(Double, (Any) => Double)] is an incompatible
> type.
> Any suggestions? I'm sure it's a REALLY simple fix.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> On Jun 26, 12:53 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
> > On 26 Jun 2009, Peter Robinett wrote:
> >
> > > Hi flot users,
> >
> > > I am trying to copy the basic Flot example into my own code. I have no
> > > compile errors but the graph isn't rendered because /classpath/flot/
> > > jquery.flot.js isn't found. Since I get no errors with the flot
> > > methods in my snippet, I assume lift-widgets is loading correctly. Am
> > > I missing something?
> >
> > Did you put a call to net.liftweb.widgets.flot.Flot.init in Boot?
> >
> > This is needed to make the javascript resources available...
> >
> > /Jeppe
> >

Viktor Klang
Scala Loudmouth

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