Just committed a fix ...


On Jul 18, 4:10 pm, "marius d." <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A little more on this ...
> Living the above synchronized blocks where they are but removing the
> one from LiftSession.runParams  made it work properly. Looks like this
> one was holding the lock while the file upload progress was happening.
> Dave I'm not really sure why in runParams the the toRun is obtained
> from a synchronized block ... is it because we'rreading from
> messageCallback there ? ..cause otherwise the entire expression is
> about functions composition that does not change any state.
> Br's,
> Marius
> On Jul 18, 3:57 pm, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > HI there,
> > I know, there have been several other threads around the topic but I
> > just wanted to yield somethings here. In the past few days I've been
> > talking with Tim as he was having problems with his FileUpload widget.
> > Even with short polling the progress was not reported even though the
> > LiftSession.progressListener was properly called.
> > Today I started to look into it and here is what I've done:
> > 1. Here is the markup:
> >   <iframe id="upload_target" name="upload_target" src="#" style="width:
> > 0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff;"></iframe>
> >   <lift:Upload.render form="POST" multipart="true" id="upload_form"
> > target="upload_target">
> >     <f:inputFile/>
> >     <input type="submit" value="Upload"/>
> >   </lift:Upload.render>
> >   A simple snippet that uses the invisible iframe trick to upload
> > stuff in the background. The so called "Ajax" upload. (I had to add
> > the target attribute into the supported form snippet attributed but
> > that's ok)
> > 2. In boot had something like:
> >     LiftSession.onSetupSession = ((session: LiftSession) => {
> >       session.progessListener = Full((chunk, total, index) => {
> >          Thread.sleep(100)
> >          println(index + " read " + chunk + " out of " + total + " " +
> > Thread.currentThread)
> >       })
> >     }) :: Nil
> >     Just monitor the progress ... and to make it last a little longer
> > I'm sleeping for 100 milliseconds
> > 3. I set the GC polling to 10 seconds. The think is that GC polling
> > would be just like the short polling for getting the progress status
> > back in the browser.
> > The behavior that I observed was that while I was uploading a 30 Mb +
> > file the polling requests timed out after 5 secconds per
> > LiftRules.ajaxPostTimeout. This means that our progress monitoring
> > ajax request would have timed out as well. On the server side the
> > execution got stuck until the upload was complete.
> > LiftServlet.handleAjax was not called until the upload terminates.
> > Initially I thought that this has to do to limited request channels
> > that browser have but the thing is that we have several places in Lift
> > code where we synchronize things. Such as LiftSession.getSession,
> > LiftSession.fixSessionTime etc. Acquiring these locks made the
> > progress polling to hang until the upload terminated. Of course
> > removing th synchronized block made the polling to work right during
> > the file upload. Now this was just for test ... I'm not suggesting to
> > remove the synchronized blocks as  we'd loose consistency but this
> > looks to stay in the way of properly dealing with multiple parallel
> > request per same session like fileupload and progress monitoring.
> > It appears that there is either a thread starvation situation or
> > simply a lock that is held while upload is is progress.
> > Br's,
> > Marius
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