In the meantime, if there are any scaladoc comments that could be improved or 
clarified, please tell me!

marius d.<> wrote:

Would you please add some examples on the wiki so that people can
actually visualize how these things can be used?

As far as XmlMenu goes why do we want to express menus as xml ?


On Jul 27, 10:57 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim <> wrote:
> I committed some code last night, which can help building mapper-based view 
> snippets, with G-d's help. It includes the following classes:
> (1-2) net.liftweb.mapper.OneToMany, ManyToMany: Gives a more object-oriented 
> approach to managing related entites. You can manage the many side of a 1-n 
> and n-n as a mutable collection of children, and the parent of a child can be 
> set directly, instead of via its id. And the children are not saved to the 
> database when you add them until you call save on it or its parent, nor 
> deleted when you remove tem until you call delete_!, which is very helpful 
> when you need to keep track of adds/removes through multiple requests. For 
> example, if you are displaying a list and you can click delete, but it 
> shouldn't be permanently deleted until you click save.
> There is a new package, ...mapper.view, which contains a number of utilities 
> for mapper-based views:
> (3-4) ModelView and ModelSnippet provide a number of building blocks for 
> views that are too complex to CRUDify. Inherit ModelSnippet (which extends 
> StatefulSnippet) and wrap your entities in ModelView (view is used in the 
> sense of a wrapper).
> (5) Util provides some more building blocks that just be imported, without 
> needing a ModelSnippet context.
> (6-7) Paginator makes it easy to create paginated, user sortable listings. 
> You can use PaginatedSnippet instead of ModelSnippet to help.
> (8-10) ItemsList lets you manage a list of entities with pending additions 
> and deletions. It's used by TableEditor, which is a very easy to use and 
> customizable snippet to edit tables directly. It's useful for editing short 
> lists, e.g., a lookup table like cities. Don't forget to register the table 
> in Boot.
> (11) Then there's the experimental FormProcessor, if you need your form to be 
> processed in one block instead of separate closures, e.g., to surround with 
> try.
> (12) Also experimental is sitemap.XmlMenu which lets you write menus in xml.
> (13) I may add CaseEnum, which lets you write case classes that automatically 
> double as an Enumeration.
> Questions, comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are more than 
> welcome!
> Thanks.

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