Classpath management is one of OSGi's features.  Another is dynamic
service registry and dependency management.  So following that route,
the Lift framework would define an interface that exposes much of what
is currently found in Boot.  Modules (OSGi bundles) would create
implementations of that interface and register them during startup
(fortunately the details are usually handled automatically).  Lift
would also define a manager class that listens to the registry and
does whatever bookkeeping is required when modules come and go.
Eclipse RCP is a great example of this in action.  Note that defining
a framework on top OSGi can also be a slippery slope.  RCP is a good
example of that as well; it's an extensive framework on top of OSGi.
So, the question is whether it's worth turning what is currently a
straightforward boot process into something that is more modular
though more complicated.  If so, a good first step would be to define
that manager class and interface since these could be wired together
by any means (Scala, OSGi, Spring, etc.) without necessarily branching
too far.  I can take a look if you all think it's worth it (and if
Heiko hasn't already).


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