Yes, I'm using  wymeditor in a lIft app with great success.
You need to put all the wymeditor js files in a source/main/resources/
toserve directory.

Then I create a snippet:

def onInit(xhtml: NodeSeq):NodeSeq =
       <script type="text/javascript" src={"/" +
LiftRules.resourceServerPath + "/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.pack.js"}
       <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">{
         jQuery(document).ready(function() {

which i run in Boot.scala.

Then, in a bind helper, use something like

 bind("content", xhtml,
  "description" => textarea(loadHtml(currentContent.link.is).toString,
page(_), ("class", "wymeditor")),

Does that help?


On Jul 30, 1:24 pm, Avo Reid <avor...@cox.net> wrote:
> Has anyone tried to use wymeditor or FCKEditor in a lift page?  I
> cannot get these plugins to work even thought they are based on JQuery.
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