I'm working on some landing pages that need to capture some
information and after getting that, i will let the user download a
file. The problem is that those files need to be "protected" so, they
cannot be downloaded without submitting the form. So hosting them in a
url-accesible way seems like a mistake. What i need is to have the
files in the server in a folder not accessible from url's. I'm
guessing i will need lift to find and stream the files with the
correct header.

Right now the form is done with JSON forms and the idea would be to
continue doing so.

Any ideas where i should begin?

Things in my mind:
-Opening files and streaming them this way would be too much stress
for the server? if the files are big?
-Is it the best solution?
-I can use all the java file libraries, but is there a scala place i
should look before jumping on the java way on something
-Can i "automatically" decide the header i should use?

Thanks for any ideas and comments!
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