> You have two output folders: the Scala IDE <= 2.7.5.final only
> supports one. Use a single default output folder.
That helped somehow, at least in the Boot.scala file it was pretty
much ok. But the other files were no better. For instance, clicking on
"MetaProtoUser" still opens Object.java source...

> You also have source directories nested below the top level of your
> project. Although I've seen reports that this works from various
> people, there's code in 2.7.5.final and earlier which makes this
> unlikely. If switching to a single output folder doesn't solve your
> problems try also moving your source directories to the top level.
I tried to move the scala src folder "src/main/scala" to the project
root, but that didn't improve things.

I really would like to use eclipse, but right now i am using idea
(even though I completely agree with David Pollaks blog posts...)
since it usually understands the scala source code and it usually
displays the lift code (and also other code) properly.

I guess several people are developing lift projects with eclipse, so I
hope there is a chance to get it working. Is there any configuration
(Eclipse version+plugin versions+project setup) that is known to work?

> Both of these issues are fixed on trunk (but don't go there unless
> you're using the Lift 2.8.0 branch).
Unfortunately it didn't help to avoid these two issues...

> Let me know how you get on ...
Well, I switched to idea for now, and i don't like it. Would it make
sense to use the trunk version?

Cheers, Steffen.

> Cheers,
> Miles
> --
> Miles Sabin
> tel: +44 (0)7813 944 528
> skype:  milessabin
> http://www.chuusai.com/
> http://twitter.com/milessabin
> >

Steffen Weissmann

Technische Universitaet Berlin - Math. Department - MA 3-2

Str. des 17. Juni 136
10623 Berlin - Germany

Phone: +49 30 314-29278
Mail: weissm...@math.tu-berlin.de
Web: www.math.tu-berlin.de/~weissman

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