
In trying to move to slf4j/logback I encountered an error when I removed
log4j from the cp:

09:53:50.297 [main] ERROR org.mortbay.log - failed LiftFilter
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/LogManager
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$.log4jIsConfigured$1(Log.scala:113) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$._log4JSetup(Log.scala:129) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$$anonfun$2.apply(Log.scala:95) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$$anonfun$2.apply(Log.scala:95) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$.checkConfig(Log.scala:93) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$$anonfun$3.apply(Log.scala:141) 
        at net.liftweb.util.LogBoot$$anonfun$3.apply(Log.scala:141) 
        at net.liftweb.http.LiftRules$.<init>(LiftRules.scala:654)

I would seem that the Comet logger is initialised before lift is booted
(and thus using the default log config):

from LiftRules:

var cometLogger: LiftLogger = {
    val ret = LogBoot.loggerByName("comet_trace")
    ret.level = LiftLogLevels.Off

Shouldn't this initialization be moved to after lift is booted?


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