On Aug 31, 5:39 pm, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com>
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Michel Klijn <michel.kl...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Since i had
> > JBOSS 4.2.3AG already on my system i tried this, but without succes...
> What's the failure?  Does the Lift examples/example app run okay on JBoss?
> What happens in Firebug?

The table won't update because JQuery is not loaded
My javascript console tells me:
    >jQuery is not defined
    >Line 157
and FireBugs net log:
    > a 304 Not Modified for get jquery.js
all works fine in Jetty

> > 3. The three case classes: NewGame(g: Game),RemoveGame(g:
> > Game),UpdateGame(g: Game) all extend GameMsg. In the partial function
> > highPriority i have tried to match: NewGame(g), RemoveGame(g) and
> > UpdateGame(g) that doesn't seem to work, but why?
> Because you're not matching UpdateGame(g), you're matching (g: Game,
> NewGame()) => ...

Yes, because that seemed to work ;). What I meant is: that i was
trying it this way before:
case NewGame(g) => partialUpdate etc..
case RemoveGame(g) => partialUpdate etc..
case UpdateGame(g) => partialUpdate etc..

In the Game Object the createUpdate method returns one of these three
GameMsg types

> > Cheers,
> > Michel
> > class GameList extends CometActor with CometListenee{
> >        override def defaultPrefix = Full("entry")
> >        override def parentTag = <tbody></tbody>
> >        override def devMode = false
> >        override def hasOuter = false
> >    protected def registerWith = Game
> >        override def render = new RenderOut( (Game.getGames.flatMap
> > (bindGameRow(_))).toSeq )
> >        override def highPriority: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {
> >                case (g:Game, NewGame()) => partialUpdate(PrependHtml
> > (this.uniqueId,bindGameRow(g)))
> >                case (g:Game, RemoveGame()) => partialUpdate(RemoveById
> > (""+g.gid))
> >                case (g:Game, UpdateGame())  =>
> > partialUpdate(ReplaceWithById
> > (""+g.gid, bindGameRow(g)))
> >                }
> >        private def bindGameRow(g:Game) =
> >              <tr id={""+g.gid}>
> >                   {bind("id" -> g.gid,
> >                           "name" -> SHtml.link("/game", () =>
> > CurrentGame(Full(g)),
> > Text(g.gname)),
> >                            "players" -> g.playerStatus,
> >                            "owner" -> g.creator,
> >                            "timestamp" -> <b>{g.createdOn.toString}</b>,
> >                            "joinlink" -> SHtml.ajaxButton("Delete game!",
> > {() => Game ! Game.DeleteGame(g);Noop}))
> >                   }
> >             </tr>
> > }
> > //some javascript stuff
> > object RemoveById {
> >  def apply(uid: String) = new RemoveById(uid)
> > }
> > class RemoveById(val uid: String) extends JsCmd {
> >  def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery("+ ("#"+uid).encJs + ").remove();} catch
> > (e) {}"
> > }
> > object ReplaceWithById {
> >  def apply(uid: String, nsq: NodeSeq) = new ReplaceWithById(uid,
> > nsq.toString)
> > }
> > class ReplaceWithById(val uid: String, val content:String) extends
> > JsCmd {
> >  def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery("+("#"+uid).encJs+").replaceWith($('"+
> > content.encJs +"'));} catch (e) {}"
> > }
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
> Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
> Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
> Git some:http://github.com/dpp

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