Unfortunately you cannot escape from asInstanceOf . Forcing
self:MapperType the type of "this" will be TimeStamp with MapperType
violating the constraint for the type of the first parameter of
MappedDateTime :T <: Mapper[T].


On 3 Set, 07:08, Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I guess you can't escape the asInstanceOf. Can you successfully give the 
> trait a self-type of this: MapperType =>, or declare it to extend 
> Mapper[MapperType], without running into problems elsewhere?
> -------------------------------------
> harryh<har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been handling this with traits, for example I have something like
> so:
> trait Timestamp[MapperType <: Mapper[MapperType]] {
>   object xdatetime extends MappedDateTime[MapperType](this.asInstanceOf
> [MapperType])
>   // all sorts of utility functions for dealing with timestamps
> }
> Then I can do
> class Foo extends LongKeyedMapper[Foo] with IdPK with Timestamp[Foo] {
>   // additional fields that are Foo specific
> }
> I have quite a few traits similar to Timestamp at this point
> corresponding to various fields that appear in lots of different
> tables in my application.
> -harryh

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