Please forgive me for including so much code but I have an important
demo fast approaching and I'm kind of in a bind. I am using
Databinders Dispatch http library which is a wrapper around Javas
HttpClient library. I have included the Http class below. Does anyone
see how to set the user-agent header. Once again I apologize and would
be much obliged for any help.

import collection.Map
import collection.immutable.{Map => IMap}
import util.DynamicVariable

import org.apache.http._
import org.apache.http.client._
import org.apache.http.impl.client.{DefaultHttpClient,
import org.apache.http.client.methods._
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils

import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP.UTF_8
import org.apache.http.params.{HttpProtocolParams, BasicHttpParams}
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils
import org.apache.http.auth.{AuthScope, UsernamePasswordCredentials,

case class StatusCode(code: Int, contents:String)
  extends Exception("Exceptional resoponse code: " + code + "\n" +

/** Http access point. Standard instances to be used by a single
thread. */
class Http {
  val credentials = new DynamicVariable[Option[(AuthScope,
  val client = new ConfiguredHttpClient

  def credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider {
    override def getCredentials(scope: AuthScope) = null

/**  /** Info Logger for this instance, default returns Connfiggy if
on classpath else console logger. */
  lazy val log: Logger = try {
    new Logger {
      val delegate = net.lag.logging.Logger.get
      def info(msg: String, items: Any*) {, items:
_*) }
  } catch {
    case e: NoClassDefFoundError => new Logger {
      def info(msg: String, items: Any*) {
        println("INF: [console logger] dispatch: " + msg.format(items:
  /** Execute method for the given host, with logging. */
  def execute(host: HttpHost, req: HttpUriRequest) = {
    //"%s %s%s", req.getMethod, host, req.getURI)
    client.execute(host, req)
  /** Execute for given optional parametrs, with logging. Creates
local scope for credentials. */
  val execute: (Option[HttpHost], Option[Credentials], HttpUriRequest)
=> HttpResponse = {
    case (Some(host), Some(creds), req) =>
      client.credentials.withValue(Some((new AuthScope
(host.getHostName, host.getPort), creds)))(execute(host, req))
    case (None, Some(creds), _) => error("Credentials specified
without explicit host")
    case (Some(host), _, req) => execute(host, req)
    case (_, _, req) =>
      //"%s %s", req.getMethod, req.getURI)
  /** Execute full request-response handler. */
  def x[T](hand: Handler[T]): T = x(hand.request)(hand.block)
  /** Execute request and handle response codes, response, and entity
in block */
  def x [T](req: Request)(block: Handler.F[T]) = {
    val res = execute(, req.creds, req.req)
    val ent = res.getEntity match {
      case null => None
      case ent => Some(ent)
    try { block(res.getStatusLine.getStatusCode, res, ent) }
    finally { ent foreach (_.consumeContent) }
  /** Apply Response Handler if reponse code returns true from chk. */
  def when[T](chk: Int => Boolean)(hand: Handler[T]) = x(hand.request)
    case (code, res, ent) if chk(code) => hand.block(code, res, ent)
    case (code, _, Some(ent)) => throw StatusCode(code,
EntityUtils.toString(ent, UTF_8))
    case (code, _, _)         => throw StatusCode(code, "[no entity]")
  /** Apply a custom block in addition to predefined response Handler.
  def also[A,B](hand: Handler[B])(block: Handler.F[A]) =
    x(hand.request) { (code, res, ent) => ( hand.block(code, res,
ent), block(code, res, ent) ) }

  /** Apply handler block when response code is 200 - 204 */
  def apply[T](hand: Handler[T]) = (this when {code => (200 to 204)
contains code})(hand)

/** Nil request, useful to kick off a descriptors that don't have a
factory. */
object /\ extends Request(None, None, Nil)

/* Factory for requests from a host */
object :/ {
  def apply(hostname: String, port: Int): Request =
    new Request(Some(new HttpHost(hostname, port)), None, Nil)

  def apply(hostname: String): Request = new Request(Some(new HttpHost
(hostname)), None, Nil)

/** Factory for requests from a directory, prepends '/'. */
object / {
  def apply(path: String) = /\ / path

object Request {
  /** Request transformer */
  type Xf = HttpRequestBase => HttpRequestBase
  /** Updates the request URI with the given string-to-string
function. (mutates request) */
  def uri_xf(sxf: String => String)(req: HttpRequestBase) = {

/** Request handler, contains request descriptor and a function to
transform the result. */
case class Handler[T](request: Request, block: Handler.F[T]) extends
Handlers {
  /** Create a new handler with block that receives all response
parameters and
      this handler's block converted to parameterless function. */
  def apply[R](next: (Int, HttpResponse, Option[HttpEntity], () => T)
=> R) =
    new Handler(request, {(code, res, ent) =>
      next(code, res, ent, () => block(code, res, ent))

object Handler {
  type F[T] = (Int, HttpResponse, Option[HttpEntity]) => T
  /** Turns a simple entity handler in into a full response handler
that fails if no entity */
  def apply[T](req: Request, block: HttpEntity => T): Handler[T] =
    Handler(req, { (code, res, ent) => ent match {
      case Some(ent) => block(ent)
      case None => error("response has no entity: " + res)
    } } )

class Post(val values: Map[String, Any]) extends HttpPost {
  this setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity(Http.map2ee(values), UTF_8)

/** Request descriptor, possibly contains a host, credentials, and a
list of transformation functions. */
class Request(val host: Option[HttpHost], val creds: Option
[Credentials], val xfs: List[Request.Xf]) extends Handlers {

  /** Construct with path or full URI. */
  def this(str: String) = this(None, None, Request.uri_xf(cur => cur +
str)_ :: Nil)

  /** Construct as a clone, e.g. in class extends clause. */
  def this(req: Request) = this(, req.creds, req.xfs)

  def next(xf: Request.Xf) = new Request(host, creds, xf :: xfs)
  def next_uri(sxf: String => String) = next(Request.uri_xf(sxf))

  def mimic(dest: HttpRequestBase)(req: HttpRequestBase) = {

  // The below functions create new request descriptors based off of
the current one.
  // Most are intended to be used as infix operators; those that don't
take a parameter
  // have character names to be used with dot notation, e.g. /:
("") >>> {...}

  /** Set credentials to be used for this request; requires a host
value :/(...) upon execution. */
  def as (name: String, pass: String) =
    new Request(host, Some(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(name,
pass)), xfs)

  /** Convert this to a secure (scheme https) request if not already
  def secure = new Request(host map {
    h => new HttpHost(h.getHostName, h.getPort, "https") // default
port -1 works for either
  } orElse { error("secure requires an explicit host") }, creds, xfs)

  /** Combine this request with another. */
  def <& (req: Request) = new Request(host orElse, creds
orElse req.creds, req.xfs ::: xfs)

  /** Combine this request with another handler. */
  def >& [T] (other: Handler[T]) = new Handler(this <& other.request,

  /** Append an element to this request's path, joins with '/'.
(mutates request) */
  def / (path: String) = next_uri { _ + "/" + path }

  /** Add headers to this request. (mutates request) */
  def <:< (values: Map[String, String]) = next { req =>
    values foreach { case (k, v) => req.addHeader(k, v) }

  /* Add a gzip acceptance header */
  def gzip = this <:< IMap("Accept-Encoding" -> "gzip")

  /** Put the given object.toString and return response wrapper. (new
request, mimics) */
  def <<< (body: Any) = next {
    val m = new HttpPut
    m setEntity new StringEntity(body.toString, UTF_8)
    HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(m.getParams, false)
  /** Post the given key value sequence and return response wrapper.
(new request, mimics) */
  def << (values: Map[String, Any]) = next { mimic(new Post(values))
_ }

  /** Add query parameters. (mutates request) */
  def <<? (values: Map[String, Any]) = next_uri { uri =>
    if (values.isEmpty) uri
    else uri + (
      if (uri contains '?') '&' + Http.q_str(values) else (Http ?

  // generators that change request method without adding parameters

  /** HTTP post request. (new request, mimics) */
  def POST = next { mimic(new Post(IMap.empty))_ }

  /** HTTP delete request. (new request, mimics) */
  def DELETE = next { mimic(new HttpDelete)_ }

  /** HTTP head request. (new request, mimics). See >:> to access
headers. */
  def HEAD = next { mimic(new HttpHead)_ }

  // end Request generators

  /** Builds underlying request starting with a blank get and applying
transformers right to left. */
  lazy val req = {
    val start: HttpRequestBase = new HttpGet("")
    (xfs :\ start) { (a,b) => a(b) }

  /** @return URI based on this request, e.g. if needed outside
Disptach. */
  def to_uri = Http.to_uri(host, req)

  /** Use this request for trait Handlers */
  val request = this
trait Handlers {
  /** the below functions produce Handlers based on this request
descriptor */
  val request: Request

  /** Handle InputStream in block, handle gzip if so encoded. */
  def >> [T] (block: InputStream => T) = Handler(request, { ent =>
block (
    if(ent.getContentEncoding != null &&
ent.getContentEncoding.getValue == "gzip")
      new GZIPInputStream(ent.getContent)
    else ent.getContent
  ) } )
  /** Handle some non-huge response body as a String, in a block. */
  def >- [T] (block: String => T) = >> { stm => block
( }
  /** Return some non-huge response as a String. */
  def as_str = >- { s => s }
  /** Write to the given OutputStream. */
  def >>> [OS <: OutputStream](out: OS) = Handler(request, { ent =>
ent.writeTo(out); out })
  /** Process response as XML document in block */
  def <> [T] (block: xml.Elem => T) = >> { stm => block(xml.XML.load
(stm)) }

  /** Process header as Map in block. Map returns empty set for header
name misses. */
  def >:> [T] (block: IMap[String, Set[String]] => T) =
    Handler(request, (_, res, _) =>
      block((IMap[String, Set[String]]().withDefaultValue(Set()) /:
res.getAllHeaders) {
        (m, h) => m + (h.getName -> (m(h.getName) + h.getValue))
      } )

  /** Ignore response body. */
  def >| = Handler(request, (code, res, ent) => ())

  /** Split into two request handlers, return results of each in
tuple. */
  def >+ [A, B] (block: Handlers => (Handler[A], Handler[B])) = {
    new Handler[(A,B)] ( request, { (code, res, opt_ent) =>
      val (a, b) = block(new Handlers { val request = /\ })
      (a.block(code, res, opt_ent), b.block(code,res,opt_ent))
    } )

/** Basic extension of DefaultHttpClient defaulting to Http 1.1, UTF8,
and no Expect-Continue.
    Scopes authorization credentials to particular requests thorugh a
DynamicVariable. */
class ConfiguredHttpClient extends DefaultHttpClient {
  override def createHttpParams = {
    val params = new BasicHttpParams
    HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1)
    HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, UTF_8)
    HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, false)
  val credentials = new DynamicVariable[Option[(AuthScope,
  setCredentialsProvider(new BasicCredentialsProvider {
    override def getCredentials(scope: AuthScope) = credentials.value
match {
      case Some((auth_scope, creds)) if scope.`match`(auth_scope) >= 0
=> creds
      case _ => null

/** Used by client APIs to build Handler or other objects via
chaining, completed implicitly.
  * @see Http#builder2product */
trait Builder[T] { def product:T }

/** May be used directly from any thread. */
object Http extends Http {
  import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.
  import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
  import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager

  /** import to support e.g. Http(""; >>>
System.out) */
  implicit def str2req(str: String) = new Request(str)

  implicit def builder2product[T](builder: Builder[T]) =

  override val client = new ConfiguredHttpClient {
    override def createClientConnectionManager() = {
      val registry = new SchemeRegistry()
      registry.register(new Scheme("http",
PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80))
      registry.register(new Scheme("https",
SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 443))
      new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(getParams(), registry)
  /** Shutdown connection manager, threads. (Needed to close console
cleanly.) */
  def shutdown() = client.getConnectionManager.shutdown()

  /** Convert repeating name value tuples to list of pairs for
httpclient */
  def map2ee(values: Map[String, Any]) = java.util.Arrays asList (
    values.toSeq map { case (k, v) => new BasicNameValuePair(k,
v.toString) } toArray : _*
  /** @return %-encoded string for use in URLs */
  def % (s: String) =, UTF_8)

  /** @return %-decoded string e.g. from query string or form body */
  def -% (s: String) =, UTF_8)

  /** @return formatted and %-encoded query string, e.g.
name=value&name2=value2 */
  def q_str (values: Map[String, Any]) = URLEncodedUtils.format(map2ee
(values), UTF_8)

  /** @return formatted query string prepended by ? unless values map
is empty  */
  def ? (values: Map[String, Any]) = if (values.isEmpty) "" else "?" +

  /** @return URI built from HttpHost if present combined with a
HttpClient request object. */
  def to_uri(host: Option[HttpHost], req: HttpRequestBase) =

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