Right -- not knowing personally as to core vs widget (that is up to
'management'), but I would also look to the web2py and django (even
Google app engine) frameworks for nice admin interface inspiration...

On Sep 7, 4:16 pm, DFectuoso <santiago1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking about how wonderful it is to get a login/register/
> forgotPassword functionality with mega proto user and how it could
> become even better with a good tool for creating an admin section.
> I'm just adding the idea here so maybe if other people find value it
> could be considered for development(or probably it already is, i don't
> know).
> Adding an admin panel to mega proto user where the moderators/admins
> could change some options(like the way a user is validated, if gzip is
> enabled, etc) would be great for the end users of our apps, since it
> would be easier to change and maintain the site.
> Being a administrator at a Invision Power Board forum and having a
> couple of wordpress blogs, i see a lot of potential on this as a admin/
> dev tool! Listing some of the things that i can imagine in this panel
> are:
> -phpMyAdmin-type of DB admin(browse your data easily, remove/change/
> add stuff to it without having to create a CRUD for each thing)
> -execute queries
> -List the actor(and comet actors) with possibility to kill/reset them
> -Memory use analysis.
> -Statistics of use(hits, referrals, etc)
> -Options (any object/class/trait could have a val foo =
> adminPanel.option("category","optionName","description",defaultValue,
> otherValues[]) and be included in this place, of course the categories
> could create different menus.
> -User management(ban, authorize, give admin-rights).
> -Simple to-do list that all admins can edit
> -Log of errors/warnings/exceptions
> -Css editor
> -Easy-logo changer
> -File Manager(upload your images and stuff here)
> -String editor (you can change any default string from the
> megaprotouser forms and the index?)
> Also, a very polemic(and i think bad idea, but its common to see this
> in admin panels):
> ->Installable plug-ins for this panel
> I know this seems like one step away from being a full blown CMS,
> forum, blog, etc. But if its extensible while we are building an app,
> it will be very useful for the different moments of development and
> use.
> Of course i don't expect any of this to be done right now, i
> understand there are a couple of integrations and bigger things going
> on but i really wanted to brainstorm on this with you guys!
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