I think id do:

  <whatever:demo whatever:src="something.jpg" whatever:style="border:
black" />

then in the scala:

class MySnippet {
  def example(xhtml: NodeSeq):NodeSeq = bind("whatever", xhtml,
    "demo" -> <img />

Basically, when attributes are name-spaced correctly, they are merged
into the node attributes. This is all from memory so might need a
slight change to compile properly.

Cheers, Tim

On Sep 16, 11:49 am, Viktor Klang <viktor.kl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Ewan <ehar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd like to pop the bound value from a snippet into some standard
> > xhtml tags but it does not parse.  In the case below I want the url to
> > be put into the img tag where <property:imageUrl/> is bound to ta
> > snippet.
> > <img src=<property:imageUrl/>  style="border:3px solid #CCCCCC"
> > width="75" height="100"/>
> Have a snippet that simply adds the src attribute to the supplied markup
> <lift:img src="imageUrl">
>    <img style="fooo" width="75" height="100/>
> </lift:img>
> > I am unable to do this so as a work around I get the snippet to create
> > the xhtml img tag but is there a way to achieve the above as I don't
> > want to change scala src for every minor ui change.
> > -- Ewan
> --
> Viktor Klang
> Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
> Twttr: viktorklang
> Lift Committer - liftweb.com
> AKKA Committer - akkasource.org
> Cassidy - github.com/viktorklang/Cassidy.git
> SoftPub founder:http://groups.google.com/group/softpub
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