On Sep 22, 8:13 pm, Dano <olearydani...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Lifters,
> I am struggling with trying to clear out a SessionVar which holds user
> information which I need to clear out after the user has left a
> 'lobby' page.
> When I call the remove() function, I verify that the SessionVar is
> Empty.  However, when I click on the URL for the lobby page with new
> parameters, the SessionVar retains the old values for each session.
> It is as if they were repopulated.
> Perhaps I am not understanding out the function works.  When I look at
> the source code (Vars.scala), it seems like it is clearing out the
> state for each session.  The remove() function calls clearFunc().
>   override protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit =
> S.session.foreach(_.unset(name))

No not for each session. S.session returns a Box which has a foreach
function, it does not iterate through all sessions.

Which Lift version are you using? .. there is no remove function in
Vars in 1.1-SNAPSHOT version.

Can you post some code to show where you are setting values on your
SessionVar and where are you deleting them?

> Is there something I am missing?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dan
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