
What is the purpose of lift-resources? We cannot make the lift  
installer part of the build process - belive me, i've looked into this  
extensively... basically, it boils down to needed install4j licensed  
on that machines which would be a stupid requirement to place on any  
person building the sources - so we wont be doing that ;-)

What the hell is lift-site-skin?

Cheers, Tim

On 27 Sep 2009, at 21:44, Indrajit Raychaudhuri wrote:

> Folks,
> As followup to the proposed goal of "Keeping lift-core neat and
> small", here is the first iteration of the revised structure of Lift
> codebase.
> liftweb
> - lift-core [10]
>  - lift-base [02]
>  - lift-actor
>  - lift-util
>  - lift-json [03]
>  - lift-webkit [04]
>  - lift-testkit [05]
> - lift-persistence [06]
>  - lift-mapper
>  - lift-record
>  - lift-jpa
> - lift-modules [07]
>  - lift-osgi
>  - lift-wizard [08]
>  - lift-widgets [09]
>  - lift-machine
>  - lift-textile
>  - lift-facebook
>  - lift-amqp
>  - lift-xmpp
>  - lift-openid
>  - lift-oauth
>  - lift-paypal
>  - lift-jta
> - lift-archetypes
>  - ...
> - lift-examples
>  - ...
> - lift-site [10]
> - lift-resources [lift-varia, lift-infra ?] [11]
>  - lift-root-model [12]
>  - lift-site-skin
>  - lift-installer
>  - misc config resources (scaladoc, javadoc etc.)
> General notes (including some obvious ones):
> [A] lift-* prefix looks superfluous, but it's best to have one for all
> artifacts that generate jar (<packaging>jar</packaging>). Also Maven
> reactor feels happier when artifactId == directory_name (site
> generation, scm extrapolation etc., situation might have improved
> now).
> [B] The top level project categories (lift-core, lift-persistence,
> lift-modules etc.) are simple multi-module models at the moment and
> not meant to create anything other than pom. Therefore, lift-* prefix
> can go away. But they'll have to come back if we plan to generate 'one
> jar' in assembly mode per category (lift-core-all.jar, lift-
> persistence-all.jar etc.). This could be useful for 'get me
> everything, I don't care about size' people. But is it necessary? The
> alternative is to have empty 'meta modules' that pull up the necessary
> dependencies and can be included by the users in their project (quite
> similar to what lift-core does now).
> [C] The members in a project category (lift-mapper, lift-record etc.)
> would inherit the category model (lift-persistence in case of lift-
> mapper, lift-record). Related modules clubbed together helps similar
> configuration pulled up to the parent pom (improves DRY-ness). Added
> benefit: modules can be developed even outside Lift codebase with the
> given parent pom (available in global repo) and the developer won't
> have to worry about most of the infra related boilerplate
> configurations (couple of config still would need change though).
> [D] Presentations and other materials aren't really source code for
> inclusion in source repository. Can this go in wiki? (immediate
> problem: github doesn't take attachment). Has this been discussed
> earlier? They can go as a separate github project too.
> [E] The categorization is mostly based on my interpretation as a late
> entrant. If there is a different structure that fits the philosophy
> better (quite likely), this would get regrouped. (Tim ?)
> [F] The modules in a category can be further sub-grouped, but with
> caution. Basically, need the right mix between 'flat'-ness and deep
> nesting. Thoughts on this?
> [G] Each category can eventually be split up into separate projects
> and have their own release schedules (less frequent for core, more
> frequent for modules etc.). This might be little overkill at the
> moment. Just mentioned to enable us mind the long term perspective :)
> [H] Other points on the draft hierarchy (see the # in brackets above):
> [01] With these members, if lift-core doesn't sound as the right name,
> we need the right name. Provided the grouping is right that is.
> [02] Base interfaces for Lift (currently present in dpp_wip_actorized)
> [03] Doesn't really have to be part of Lift core in current form, but
> this is eventually meant to be part of Lift's JS infrastructure (thus
> kept here at the moment)
> [04] Candidate for decomposition. But kept intact at the moment. Would
> be taken up in next pass once the top level reaches steady state. This
> could either become a category of its own or a module with submodules.
> [05] Little unsure about it's intent and purpose, I could be
> completely mis-interpreting this. Thoughts from somebody with more
> understanding please :)
> [06] Doesn't have to be part of lift-core. Lift applications not using
> persistence doesn't have to need this.
> [07] Extra stuff, necessary iff one needs. Right now, I am putting
> 'everything else' here for lack of better place, but I see a scaling
> up issue there. This can turn out to be a place for all the 'nowhere
> else to go' modules. But we can take it up in next pass. Suggestions?
> [08][09] See #04 above. Can be subpackage of lift-webkit eventually
> [10] The website! The intent is to bring codebase into the
> streamlines structure. Can be deferred if this is not a burning need.
> [11] Recommendation for a good name?
> [12] The top level pom for Lift project. All models (the categories)
> are expected to inherit this. These categories doesn't necessarily
> have to belong to the same git repo.
> Let the discussion/debate begin!
> Cheers, Indrajit
> >

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