I'm getting started with Scala and Lift, implementing a simple REST
service.  I've extended XMLApiHelper, following examples in "Exploring
Lift", but I'm getting a compile error I'm not sure about, any


class RestAPI needs to be abstract, since method createTag in trait
XMLApiHelper of type (scala.xml.NodeSeq)scala.xml.Elem is not defined
RestAPI.scala   /poc/src/main/scala/com/somecompany/api Unknown Scala

So its telling me I have to implement createTag... but, I don't know
how to :)  Also, the examples i've seen don't seem to implement it,
making me think I'm doing something wrong.

package com.somecompany.api

import _root_.net.liftweb.util._
import _root_.net.liftweb.http._
import Helpers._

import net.liftweb.http.rest.XMLApiHelper

class RestAPI  extends XMLApiHelper {
  def dispatch: LiftRules.DispatchPF = {

    case Req(List("api", "camera", cameraId), "", DeleteRequest) =>
        () => deleteCamera(cameraId)

        // Invalid API request - route to our error handler
    case Req(List("api", _), "", _) => failure _

  def failure : LiftResponse = BadResponse()

  def deleteCamera(cameraId : String) : LiftResponse = {




- Alex

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