Note that you can also intermix this with runtimes:


Doing something like that can let you automatically load different  
properties based on the run mode lift is in (production vs dev etc)

Your code will still look like:

Props.get("some.key") //=> Box[String]


Cheers, Tim

On 12 Oct 2009, at 14:36, Peter Robinett wrote:

> It's a simple file. You should place it in src/main/
> resources/props. There is a search order but, off the top of my head,
> the last two options are the username running the app (e.g.
> peter.props) and default.props.
> My peter.props looks like this:
> db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
> db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/myDB
> db.user=myUser
> db.password=myPassword
> isPeter=true
> Notice that you can define your own properties.
> Peter Robinett
> On Oct 12, 2:42 pm, Guillermo Acilu <> wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I am starting to learn Lift and I have a very silly question.
>> I am using postgresql and I have seen that the file boot.scala reads
>> the configuration parameters like connect string, user name and
>> password, from a properties file called Props. I could not find an
>> example of such a file in any document or in google. Is it a XML file
>> or a simple file? Could you please send me an small
>> example?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> GA
> >

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