Tracked this down to a missing import statement:
import JE._

You can recreate this by removing this import in the
TreeViewDemo.scala (
widgets/src/test/scala/webapptest/snippet/TreeViewDemo.scala) file,
and compile it.

On Oct 11, 9:34 pm, Jim Barrows <> wrote:
> I've interpreted the demo as the code below.  However, I get this
> exception when I compile:
> /snippet/TreeViewDemo.scala:14: error: not found: value JsObj
>     TreeView("example", JsObj("animated"->90))
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.... I'd appreciate any help.
> Here's the code:
> package com.nsfw.bmp.businesssetup.snippet
> import
> import S._
> import
> import
> import Helpers._
> import
> import _root_.scala.xml._
> class TreeViewDemo {
>   def render(xhtml:Group):NodeSeq={
>     TreeView("example", JsObj(("animated"->90)))
>   }
>   def loadTree() = {
>     Tree("No Children")::
>       Tree("one static child", Tree("Lone child") :: Nil) ::
>      Tree("Dynamic node", "myDynamic", true) :: Nil
>   }
>   def loadNode(id:String) : List[Tree] = id match {
>     case "myDyanmic" =>
>       Tree("Child one") ::
>         Tree("Child two") ::Nil
>     case _ => Nil
>     }
> }

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