Hello Lifters,


I would like to generate (at run-time) BaseMapper instances of a
schema. I know I can generate the JPA beans from a schema (using
Hibernate3 tools - thanks to Greg Meredith for pointing this out), but
then I'd like to convert these to BaseMapper instances so I can use
the .toForm: NodeSeq functionality. Or schema to BaseMapper directly?
Schemifier in reverse, perhaps.

Use case: I'm building an open source tool with which you can define
external databases to manage. I wouldn't know the details of these
databases at design/compile time, and thusly would like to be able to
just point to a database, point to a table (related tables if foreign
key exists), dynamically generate a form for the table/row, edit,
save. I know this sounds really far-fetched, and fragile. I just want
to see if it's viable :-)

With javax.sql I can generate the form, hence the SQL and then call an
insert/update on the target DB, but I'd prefer a Mapper solution.

Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance() // could be any
db type
val sConnection = "jdbc:mysql://host:3306/dbname" // some DB known at
val conn: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(sConnection,
"db_user", "db_password")
val sqlStatement: Statement = conn.createStatement()
val rs: ResultSet = sqlStatement.executeQuery("select * from " +
someRuntimeTable + " limit 1")
val rsm: ResultSetMetaData = rs.getMetaData()
// now we have a slew of methods at our disposal which tells us things
about the table, for example:
rsm.isAutoIncrement(1) // example
for (i <- 1 to rsm.getColumnCount()) {
  rsm.getColumnLabel(i) // example
  rsm.getColumnTypeName(i) // example


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