harryh <har...@gmail.com> writes:

> I want users to stay logged into my site for extended periods of time
> (through server restarts, and browser restarts).  By default Lift
> stores a User in a SessionVar so this doesn't get me there.  I've
> configured jetty so the session cookie doesn't time out for 30 days,
> and I have a database table with a session id -> user id mapping,

Instead of using the http session id, you can maintain you own
login-session id and store this in a cookie. I.e.

1) On login, create cookie with id, add mapping id->user to table
2) On logout, clear the cookie, remove mapping from table
3) If you see a request without an http session, but with valid cookie,
lookup the user id in table and autologin the user
4) Periodically, clean table for entries more than 30 days old


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