I think with an

import net.liftweb.http.js._
import JsCmds._

the compile problem should go away as there is an implicit defined
there. But this is not important.

Can you send a minimalistic code example that reflects the
problem? ... including the template and Scala code.


On Oct 19, 9:48 pm, caw1461 <caw1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My saveClaimSatus("") function saves the passed value to the
> database.
> Firebug is not giving me any errors and prints the line to the
> console.
> The order in which the two updates happen is important because I need
> the status updated before the form is saved.
> I am using two different versions of saving to keep a temporary "save"
> and then a finalized "For Publish" version.
> so I need both of them to save the form, which i was trying to use the
> saveFunc to do.
> and removing the .cmd seems to give a syntax errors:
> E:\patentTracker3\prospective_claims_ver_br\patentTrackerUi\src\main
> \scala\com\trlr\binpr\snippet\Workflow.scala:473: error: overloaded
> method value ajaxButton with alternatives (String,() =>
> net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd,(String, String)*)scala.xml.Elem <and>
> (scala.xml.NodeSeq,() => net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd,(String, String)*)
> scala.xml.Elem cannot be applied to (java.lang.String,() =>
> net.liftweb.http.js.JE.JsRaw,(java.lang.String, java.lang.String),
> (java.lang.String, java.lang.String),(java.lang.String,
> java.lang.String))
>            "save1" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(
> On Oct 19, 2:20 pm, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think you can simply return  JsRaw("$.saveFunc();") without using
> > JsRaw("$.saveFunc();").cmd
> > Do you see any errors in the browser? ... try using firebug addon in
> > firefox and see if it complains about anything. What does
> > saveClaimStatus("EDITED") do?
> > Regarding "I'm just trying to run ajavascriptfunction followed by my
> > saveClaimStatus("EDITED") function. " ... when you press thebutton
> > thatajaxfunction on the server side gets executed and it returns 
> > aJavaScriptback to browser where $.saveFunc() suppose to be executed.
> > In your code saveClaimStatus is run before running  $saveFunc() in the
> > case of the save1buttonwhich seems to be the other way around. What
> > is your actual use case?
> > Br's,
> > Marius
> > On Oct 19, 8:29 pm, caw1461 <caw1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I figured this was a simple problem, but have spent way too much time
> > > on this issue.
> > >     $.saveFunc   = function() { saveT(); };
> > >     function saveT () {
> > >         print("save function executing")
> > >         tinyMCE.activeEditor.save()
> > >         print("save completed")
> > >     };
> > >     <buttonid="Save" onclick="saveT()" class="ui-state-default"
> > > title="Save, only save the html, doesn't mark the claim ready for
> > > publishging.">Save</button>
> > > as a purejavascript/html, this works as intended, thebuttonsaves/
> > > submits the form.
> > >            "save1" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(
> > >              "Fixed",
> > >              {
> > >                () => {
> > >                 println("Jenn is on crack.");
> > >                 saveClaimStatus("EDITED")
> > >                 JsRaw("$.saveFunc();").cmd;
> > >                 }
> > >              }, ("class", "ui-state-default "), ("title", "Save and
> > > marks the claim ready for publishing."), ("id", "fixed")),
> > >             "save2" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(
> > >                 "yes",
> > >                   () => {println("Rhode Island Destroyed")
> > >                          JsRaw("$.saveFunc();").cmd})
> > > I used your example in the other thread about ajaxbutton and
> > >javascript, but I can't get the functionality I am looking for.
> > > save2 is just a testbuttonto check functionality.  It does run the
> > > println, but it does not run the saveT function.
> > > 13:19:17.725 [29569...@qtp-6966554-8] DEBUG comet_trace.debug:82 -
> > >AJAXRequest: 182kyt8t8rjdz Map(F527240256671NZ2 -> List(true))
> > > Rhode Island Destroyed
> > > 13:19:17.725 [29569...@qtp-6966554-8] DEBUG comet_trace.debug:82 -
> > >AJAXResponse: 182kyt8t8rjdz InMemoryResponse(
> > > $.saveFunc();;, List((Content-Length,15), (Content-Type,text/
> > >javascript; charset=utf-8)), List(), 200)
> > > I'm just trying to run ajavascriptfunction followed by my
> > > saveClaimStatus("EDITED") function.
> > > I just think i'm either not going about this correctly or not
> > > understanding my problem correctly.
> > > Any help would be a godsend.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Christopher
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