
Thanks David,

On Nov 5, 2009, at 6:24 PM, David Pollak wrote:

> Please open a ticket for this issue.  I may have broken it when I  
> was addressing some other issues related to JSON in the last few  
> weeks.
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Ross Mellgren <>  
> wrote:
> Hey all,
>        I had some code working where the snippet generates a JSON  
> callback
> which uses S.notice / S.error to push notifications back to the
> browser in addition to whatever JS commands the snippet decides to
> push down, but it seems that this is now broken in 1.1-SNAPSHOT and
> 1.1-M7. I can confirm that just after I call S.notice within the
> jsonCall that S.getNotices has the proper thing in it, but by the time
> LiftRules.noticesToJsCmd gets called it has vanished.
> A quick survey makes me think that the only way this could happen is
> if the RequestVars are getting cleared between the two points, but I
> don't want to speculate too hard.
> I've created a modified lift-archetype-blank that demonstrates the
> behavior at -- here
> is a overview of the code:
> In template:
> <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
>     <lift:helloWorld.callback />
>     <h2>Welcome to your project!</h2>
>     <p>
>     </p>
>     <lift:Msgs />
>     <button onclick="testCallback()">Click me</button>
> </lift:surround>
> In Boot:
>         val oldNoticesToJsCmd = LiftRules.noticesToJsCmd
>         LiftRules.noticesToJsCmd = () => {
>             println("at noticesToJsCmd: S.getNotices = " +
> S.getNotices)
>             oldNoticesToJsCmd()
>         }
> In snippet:
> class HelloWorld extends DispatchSnippet {
>     val dispatch: DispatchIt = {
>         case "callback" => renderCallback _
>     }
>     def renderCallback(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>         S.notice("this is the test notice from the snippet")
>         <head>{ Script {
>             Function("testCallback", Nil, jsonCall(JsNull, (_: Any)
> => {
>                 S.notice("this is the test notice from the callback")
>                 println("in callback: S.getNotices = " + S.getNotices)
>                 Noop
>             })._2)
>         } }</head>
>     }
> }
> The output from this on the command line is:
> INFO - Service request (GET) / took 570 Milliseconds
> INFO - Service request (GET) /classpath/jquery.js took 15 Milliseconds
> INFO - Service request (GET) /ajax_request/liftAjax.js took 8
> Milliseconds
> in callback: S.getNotices = List((net.liftweb.http.NoticeType(0),this
> is the test notice from the snippet,Empty),
> (net.liftweb.http.NoticeType(0),this is the test notice from the
> callback,Empty))
> at noticesToJsCmd: S.getNotices = List()
> INFO - Service request (POST) /ajax_request/F1007892194776GPS/ took 59
> Milliseconds
> And no notice appears.
> Is there anything I'm doing wrong or that I can do to help diagnose
> this further? I really need this kind of behavior to work :-/
> Thanks in advance,
> -Ross
> -- 
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
> Beginning Scala
> Follow me:
> Surf the harmonics
> >

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