That should not be foreach but flatMap.
Foreach is like map but returns Unit, and flatMap is like map but it 
concatenates the resulting elements, which must be iterable (or iterators, 

Neil.Lv<> wrote:

Hi all,

   How to bind the Map to View in the Snippet ?

   This is the bind code
   scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,List[String]] =
    Map(2009/10/09 -> List(St1), 2009/10/10 -> List(Hello, M7, 123,

  var data = Map(2009/10/09 -> List(St1), 2009/10/10 -> List(Hello,
M7, 123, da))
  def doList(in : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
    data.foreach(d=> {
      bind("data", in,
           "time" -> Text({d._1}),
           "list" ->  bindList(d._2)

  def bindList(lists:List[String]) = {
      lists flatMap { l =>
        bind("sec", chooseTemplate("data", "list", in),
              "title" -> Text(l))

   It always show this message:
 found   : Unit
 required: scala.xml.NodeSeq
    data.foreach(d=> {


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