I found this answer on
it's regarding setting the values client side.  I want to set them in
the snippet, depending on data.
This doesn't work, but will give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do:
 def bindPerson(xhtml: NodeSeq, action: () => Unit, submitButtonName:
String, disableAll: boolean): NodeSeq = {
    // Hold a val here so that the "id" closure holds it when we re-enter
this method
    val currentId = person.id
    val disableString :String = disableAll match {
      case true => "disabled"
      case false => ""
    bind("person", xhtml,
      "id" -> SHtml.hidden(() => person.id = currentId),
      //      "version" -> SHtml.hidden(() => person.version),
      "firstName" -> SHtml.text(person.firstName, person.firstName = _, "id"
-> "firstName", "disabled" -> disableString),
      "middleName" -> SHtml.text(person.middleName, person.middleName = _,
"id" -> "middleName", "disabled" -> disableString),
      "lastName" -> SHtml.text(person.lastName, person.lastName = _, "id" ->
"lastName", "disabled" -> disableString),
      "submit" -> SHtml.submit(?(submitButtonName), action))

James A Barrows

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