
I seem to have a problem with SessionVars which I try to initialize in
a LocRewrite.

This is an entry point url to the app. It receives some parameters from
the url, picks out the parameters and puts them in SessionVars and
rewrites the request.

I have problems setting the SessionVar when I hit the url in a clean
browser (ie with no session)

This is the code:
  private object curAccountId extends SessionVar[Box[Long]](Empty)
  private object curAccount extends RequestVar[Box[Account]] ({
    val found = currentAccountId.flatMap(id => getSingleton.find(id));
    println("Found: "+found);
    found})  with CleanRequestVarOnSessionTransition
  def currentAccountId: Box[Long] = curAccountId.is
  def currentAccount: Box[Account] = curAccount.is
  def currentAccount_=(account: Box[Account]) {
    println("set account: "+account);
    curAccountId.set({val s = account.map{a => a.id.is}; println("set: "+s);s});
In the LocRewrite I call Account.setCurrentAccount = someAccount

When the URL is hit in a clean browser, this is logged:

set account: Full(dk.fleetzone.model.Account={name=Demo Account,id=1})
set: Full(1)

If I hit the login page first (and nothing else, but I believe it triggers the
creation of a http session), and the exact same url, this is logged:

set account: Full(dk.fleetzone.model.Account={name=Demo Account,id=1})
set: Full(1)

Any clues?? 


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