
I got back from Devoxx late last night and thought I would just post
some thoughts and experiences from the event.

Firstly, there was an awesome interest in Scala and Lift - my talk was
really busy (~550 people) and the general Scala Enthusiast BOF right
afterwards was packed.

Myself, Bill Venners, Viktor Klang and Frank Sommers pretty much
represented a cross-section of Scala projects at the BOF and
throughout the whole week we were pretty much swamped with Scala
questions and interest. Lift was getting a lot of attention and was
even used by Oracle in the Devoxx keynote!!!

Another event of note was when myself, viktor and john were sat in the
hotel reception hacking on Scala and showing it so some interested
people at around 10pm, the JavaPosse turned up and were like "wow, we
appear to have stumbled upon the Scala geeks" - they then proceeded to
join the hackfest which was über cool.

All in all, a very very successful week and I think the above
mentioned group did an amazing job of raising the profile of Scala
even further; moreover, some of the Lift discussions were brilliant -
appeared to be a lot of people wanting to convert from Spring bean
hell ;-)

We as a team should be made up with the awesome framework that has
been created here -- the next 12 months I believe will be somewhat of
a Scala / Lift golden age where we have the opportunity to really make
our mark on the industry.

Congratulations everyone!

Cheers, Tim

PS: If you were at Devoxx and came to my talk, thanks for
attending :-)


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