On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Xuefeng Wu <ben...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> When I use ModalDialog I want to setup the css but fail,
> My code would be:
> ModalDialog(someHtml, "top: '10px'")
> I found the ModalDialog code at Lift:
> class ModalDialog(html: NodeSeq, css: Box[String]) extends JsCmd {
>     val toJsCmd = "jQuery.blockUI({ message: " +
> AltXML.toXML(Group(S.session.map(s =>
>             s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("Modal Dialog",
> html))).openOr(html)), false, true, S.ieMode).encJs +
>             (css.map(w => ",  css: '" + w + "' ").openOr("")) + "});"
>   }
> the css is wrap by " '  ' " ,
> but I found http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#demos
> the css is wraped by "{ }"
> Is this a defect at JqJsCmds.ModalDialog or I do something wrong?

Yes, it looks like a bug.   I'm guessing the code may have been written for
BlockUI v1.x and that the API may have changed in 2.x.    Please open a
ticket and I'll fix it.



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