Checkout my code, especially parts with "cssClass".

        import net.liftweb.http.S._
        import net.liftweb.http.SHtml._

        // input can be SHtml.text
        def formField(label: String, input: Elem): NodeSeq = {
                val fixedLabel = label match {
                        case "" => ""
                        case s: String => s + ":"

                val id = (input \ "@id").toString
                val messageList = messagesById(id)(errors)
                val hasMessages = messageList.size > 0
                val cssClass = if (hasMessages) "ErrorField" else ""
                val messages = messageList match {
                        case list: List[NodeSeq] if hasMessages => {
                                <ul>{ => <li>{m}</li>)}</ul>
                        case _ => Nil

                <table class={cssClass} style="width: 100%;">
                                <td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: 
top; width: 10em;">
                                <td style="text-align: left;">

On 4 дек, 23:22, wstrange <> wrote:
> I have searched the archives, but the answer is not immediately clear
> to me...
> How does one provide field validation feedback on a form (e.g. turn
> the phone number field red if an error is made in data entry)? The
> S.error approach of collecting all the errors into one big message
> seems unwieldy, and does not give the user very good feedback.   I am
> using JPA if that makes any difference.
> Any tips would be appreciated


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