doCompetenceB render a button which user click and will pop a dialog for
create a competence.
*The competence have category property, I want this pop dialog know the
category which user already selected from the category tree.
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:19 AM, David Pollak <
> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Xuefeng Wu <> wrote:
>> Hi David & Ross,
>> Thank you for your help,
>> I understand RequestVar now, which muse be used in the same request.
>> My case is that I have a tree and a separate button.
>> When use click the tree node, the separate button should know which node
>> is selected.
> Without understanding how  def *doCompetenceB*(xhtml: NodeSeq,msg:
> String,competence: Competence): NodeSeq = { is called as part of the Ajax
> callback, I can't give you any advice.  Sorry.
>> Right now I replace the separate button when use click the tree node and
>> it worked.
>> I don't want to use session and I think it's better not replace the
>> button.
>> But I don't have idea how to do.
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:49 PM, David Pollak <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 8:46 PM, Xuefeng Wu <> wrote:
>>>> My current solution is that when user select a tree node, I replace the
>>>> add button dependence on the node.
>>> If you can create a very simple example of what you're trying to do, we
>>> can help you debug the actual, runnable code.
>>>> 2009/12/8 Xuefeng Wu <>
>>>> Hi Ross,
>>>>> Yes it's not in the same request.
>>>>> My case is:
>>>>> When user select a tree node, I want to store this nodeId and If user
>>>>> click a button to create a child node, I want to get the selected node.
>>>>> I use ModalDialog when user click the button to create now node.
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Ross Mellgren <>wrote:
>>>>>> I'm sorry, I'm having trouble following your code, I think too much of
>>>>>> the surrounding code and templates is missing for me to reason about why 
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> would have a problem.
>>>>>> I set up a quick example app, so maybe the code from that will help
>>>>>> you. It is here:
>>>>>> If I understand you correctly, you're getting a log message like this
>>>>>> one:
>>>>>> WARN - RequestVar test.snippet.HelloWorld$myVar$_ was set but not read
>>>>>> This message is from the code I posted:
>>>>>> package test.snippet
>>>>>> import _root_.scala.xml.NodeSeq
>>>>>> import
>>>>>> import
>>>>>> import Helpers._
>>>>>> class HelloWorld {
>>>>>>     object myVar extends RequestVar[Int](0)
>>>>>>     def howdy(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = Helpers.bind("b", in, "time" ->
>>>>>> (new
>>>>>>     def increment(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>         myVar.set( + 1)
>>>>>>         <div>increment called</div>
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     def show(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = <div>show called -- {
>>>>>> }</div>
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
>>>>>> <h2>Welcome to your project!</h2>
>>>>>>  <p>
>>>>>>       <lift:helloWorld.howdy>
>>>>>>         <span>Welcome to test-rqvarlog at <b:time/></span>
>>>>>>       </lift:helloWorld.howdy>
>>>>>>       <lift:HelloWorld.increment />
>>>>>>       <lift:HelloWorld.increment />
>>>>>> <!--      < /> -->
>>>>>>     </p>
>>>>>> </lift:surround>
>>>>>> If I uncomment the line with in the template, the log
>>>>>> message goes away because is called.
>>>>>> If you are still getting the message, then that should mean that you
>>>>>> are not calling in the same request.
>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>> -Ross
>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2009, at 10:28 PM, Xuefeng Wu wrote:
>>>>>> My code :
>>>>>> object CompetenceMgr {
>>>>>>  Menu(Loc("Competence", List("competence", "index"),
>>>>>> S.?("Competence"), ifIsLoggedIn,
>>>>>>      ...
>>>>>>      Loc.Snippet("buildCompetenceDicRows", buildCompetenceDicRows),
>>>>>>                    Loc.Snippet("addCompetenceB", addCompetenceB),
>>>>>>                 ....
>>>>>> private object *_categoryId *extends RequestVar[Long](0)
>>>>>> //build a competenceDic table
>>>>>>   def buildCompetenceDicRows(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>     ... ...
>>>>>>     def *makeCategoryRow*(r: Category) = {
>>>>>>          .....
>>>>>>        def *categoryNode*: NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>        def categoryNodeLinkId = "categoryNodeLinkId-" +
>>>>>>        def selectCategoryNode: JsCmd = {
>>>>>>         * //here: set the _categoryId, but didn't work*
>>>>>>           _categoryId.set(
>>>>>>          ... ..
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>          <span id={categoryNodeLinkId} class='node_span'>{a(() =>
>>>>>> selectCategoryNode, Text(}</span>
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>        <tr ><td><span class="folder draggable droppable"
>>>>>>  id={categoeryId}>{categoryNode}</span></td></tr> % ("id" -> nodeId) %
>>>>>> ("class" -> nodeClass)
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     def *buildCategoryRows*: NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>       val resourceData = Category.categoriesTreeList
>>>>>>       (empty /: resourceData)((l, r) => l ++ *makeCategoryRow*(r))
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>      *buildCategoryRows*
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>   //it's a button for create competence
>>>>>>  def *addCompetenceB*(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
>>>>>> doCompetenceB(xhtml,"add Competence",null)
>>>>>>  //a button for create or edit competence
>>>>>>   def *doCompetenceB*(xhtml: NodeSeq,msg: String,competence:
>>>>>> Competence): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>         a(() => {
>>>>>>               *//here I try to get the categoryId if it selected.*
>>>>>>               val catId: Long =
>>>>>>              S.runTemplate(List("competence","_competence")).
>>>>>>              map(ns =>
>>>>>> ModalDialog(doCompetenceEditor(ns,catId,competence))) openOr
>>>>>>              Alert("Couldn't find _competence template")},
>>>>>>              Text(msg),"class" -> "button"
>>>>>>               )
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Ross Mellgren <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Well if you logically expected it to be read but it wasn't, it might
>>>>>>> indicate a bug to you or help in diagnosis.
>>>>>>> I'm not sure I understand your reply fully -- when you added myId.isdid 
>>>>>>> the log message go away? If not, could you post your code?
>>>>>>> -Ross
>>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2009, at 9:39 PM, Xuefeng Wu wrote:
>>>>>>> I use but get nothing.
>>>>>>> I don't know what I could do with the information.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Ross Mellgren <>wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think that message is just informative, letting you know that you
>>>>>>>> don't seem to be using the request var fully (perhaps due to typo, or 
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> refactoring that made it unused, or something.)
>>>>>>>> I think it'll go away if you access the variable somewhere using
>>>>>>>> -Ross
>>>>>>>> On Dec 7, 2009, at 9:02 PM, Xuefeng Wu wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>>>>> When I use RequestVar get the message: RequestVar ....... was set
>>>>>>>> but not read
>>>>>>>> My code like this:
>>>>>>>> object MyMgr {
>>>>>>>>   ...
>>>>>>>>   Loc.Snippet("myFoo",myFoo)
>>>>>>>>  ...
>>>>>>>>    object myId extends RequestVar[Long](0)
>>>>>>>>    def myFoo(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>>>             ....
>>>>>>>>             def selectNode = {
>>>>>>>>                 myId .set(vId)
>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>             ....
>>>>>>>>            bind("",xhtml,
>>>>>>>>                  "node"->a(() => selectNode, Text(nodeName))
>>>>>>>>                 )
>>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> the RequestVar must be used at Class?
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Ross Mellgren 
>>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> RequestVar is the standard way of doing this. For example
>>>>>>>>> object MySharedInformation {
>>>>>>>>>     object myData extends RequestVar[List[Thing]](loadThings)
>>>>>>>>>     //                               ^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>>>>>>     //                    Type of thing to store  How to initialize
>>>>>>>>> variable first time it's accessed
>>>>>>>>>     private def loadThings: List[Thing] = ...
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> class Snippet1 {
>>>>>>>>>     import MySharedInformation.myData
>>>>>>>>>     def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>>>> => { ... })
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> class Snippet2 {
>>>>>>>>>     import MySharedInformation.myData
>>>>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> The lifetime of the value is during the current request processing
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> any AJAX calls related to it.
>>>>>>>>> If you really want to initialize it in a snippet, then use a Box
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> a RequestVar, like this:
>>>>>>>>> object MySharedInformation {
>>>>>>>>>     object myData extends RequestVar[Box[List[Thing]]](Empty)
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> class LoaderSnippet {
>>>>>>>>>     import MySharedInformation.myData
>>>>>>>>>     def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>>>>         myData.set(Full(...))
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> class ReaderSnippet {
>>>>>>>>>     import MySharedInformation.myData
>>>>>>>>>     def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>>>>         // If the data has not been loaded, default to an empty
>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>         val data =
>>>>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> class OtherReaderSnippet {
>>>>>>>>>     import MySharedInformation.myData
>>>>>>>>>     def render(ns: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
>>>>>>>>>         // Do two entirely different things if the data has versus
>>>>>>>>> has not been loaded
>>>>>>>>> match {
>>>>>>>>>             case Full(data) => // do something when the data has
>>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>>> loaded
>>>>>>>>>             case _ => // do something when the data has not been
>>>>>>>>> loaded
>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>>>>> -Ross
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 20, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Alex Black wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > I've got a template page, say foobar.html, that makes a number of
>>>>>>>>> > calls to functions in a snippet, e.g. mysnippet.foo1,
>>>>>>>>> mysnippet.foo2,
>>>>>>>>> > mysnippet.foo3.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I'd like to do some initial work in foo1, e.g. retrieve some data
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> > do some work on it, then in foo2 and foo3 display parts of that
>>>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Whats the easiest way to do this? I think I misunderstood the
>>>>>>>>> lift
>>>>>>>>> > book:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > "That means that for each request, Lift creates a new instance of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> > snippet class to execute. Any changes you make to instance
>>>>>>>>> variables
>>>>>>>>> > will be discarded after the request is processed."
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I thought this meant that for a given HTTP request, there would
>>>>>>>>> be one
>>>>>>>>> > (and only one) instance of my snippet, so I could call several of
>>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>> > methods and they could all access the snippet's member variables,
>>>>>>>>> > which would then be discarded at the end of the request.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Am I going about this wrong? should I only have one snippet
>>>>>>>>> function
>>>>>>>>> > per template?
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Thx
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > - Alex
>>>>>>>>> >
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