Indrajit Raychaudhuri <> writes:

> On 11/12/09 5:28 PM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
>> Jean-Adrien<>  writes:
>> [...]
>> I have the same issues with the localized properties....
>>> = Conclusion =
>>> The problem here comes from my initial configuration. But in my sense
>>> it is not a good idea to store i18n data in another format than UTF-8.
>> Agreed
> However, for minimum grief I always use unicode escaping (using \u) in 
> locale properties.

But it is not really an option (I think) to edit files like
this. Sure, for one off changes it's possible, but for an entire
application that needs to be translated into several locales I don't
think this is feasible.

> The output of "native2ascii src/main/resources/" 
> should interest you :)

I know about this tool, but this means an extra step in the build
process and  it's not really supported by IDE's. All in all making the
turnaround time longer...

> You don't have to use the xml format really. Just escape the characters 
> with unicode encoding (\u) and you should be covered.

See above :-)



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