Hi all,

I think there is a simple answer to this, but I'm a little confused. I
want to update a bound element when my Ajax form is submitted. Here's
a simple version based upon what I gleaned from the wiki and the
mailing list:

  <p>Display: <test:display /></p>
  <p>Input1: <test:input1 /></p>
  <p>Input2: <test:input2 /></p>
  <p><test:submit /></p>

class Test {
  var display = ""
  var input1 = ""
  var input2 = ""
  def form(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
      bind("test", xhtml,
        "display" -> display,
        "input1" -> SHtml.text(input1, input1 = _),
        "input2" -> SHtml.text(input2, input2 = _),
        "submit" -> SHtml.submit("Submit", () => {}) // empty method
since our hidden item will be called instead?
      ) ++
      SHtml.hidden(() => {
       display = input1 + input2
       // push an update to display here?

Am I on the right track? How do I actually get <test:display /> to be



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