Hello Indrajitr,

When using archetype:generate without the command line args, why does
it not build the latest release of the archetype? I saw that 1.1-M8 is
in central but the version it builds uses lift-core 0.8.

I'm not 100% on how it chooses the archetype version from the normal
selection menu but it would be nice to get something relatively more
up to date.

Sorry if this is discussed elsewhere.

On Dec 1, 8:28 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuri <indraj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Friends,
> Following the recent refactoring that the Lift archetypes went though,
> we have moved forward to the newarchetypemetadata format [1] for all
> the archetypes.
> So far, the JPA related archetypes were using the new metadata format
> while the others (esp. lift-archetype-blank and lift-archetype-basic)
> were still on the old format. Moving to the new metadata format helps
> us keep things consistent, comply with Maven's recommendation and open
> the archetypes up for additional future enhancements.
> From now on, the recommended Maven goal togenerateprojects fromarchetypeis to 
> use "archetype:generate" [2]. The currently deprecated
> Maven goal "archetype:create" [3] would not work to give expected
> result and thus is not recommended anymore.
> Therefore, togenerateproject from the archetypes in the master you
> would use a command of the form:
> mvnarchetype:generate\
>   -DarchetypeRepository=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots\
>   -DremoteRepositories=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots\
>   -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
>   -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank \
>   -DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT \
>   -DgroupId=com.mypackage \
>   -DartifactId=myproject \
>   -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Currently, the possible archetypeArtifactId are:
>   - lift-archetype-blank
>   - lift-archetype-basic
>   - lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single
>   - lift-archetype-jpa-blank
>   - lift-archetype-jpa-basic
> If you create project interactively (default behavior), -DgroupId, -
> DartifactId, -Dversion are optional. Maven would prompt for these
> values (and some more) interactively.
> On the other hand, if you are using a batch/shell script togenerate
> project non-interactively, you would need to add at least -DgroupId, -
> DartifactId and additionally set -DinteractiveMode=false.
> Cheers, Indrajit
> References:
> [1]http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/specification/...
> [2]http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/generate-mojo....
> [3]http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/create-mojo.html


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