
Lift master branch is on 2.0 series now and a milestone release is
coming soon!

Please refer to the original discussion/announcement for Lift 2.0 [1]
and the subsequent announcement of Lift 2.0 branch [2] for the
requisite backdrop.

Here is a quick rundown of the key points that you should be aware of:

1. The artifacts would carry 2.0 series version numbers instead of 1.1
series. This means:

(a) The snapshot build series would be renamed from 1.1-SNAPSHOT to
(b) The stable build series would move from 1.1-M8 to 2.0-M1 (we
preferred making it 2.0-M1 instead of 2.0-M9 to avoid the confusion
about 2.0-M8, 2.0-M7 etc.)

Therefore, for all of you who enjoy being on the bleeding edge
(recommended!), you have to update your snapshot dependencies from 1.1-
SNAPSHOT to 2.0-SNAPSHOT. For the rest, who prefer a stable build and
are on 1.1-M8, you should be able to move to 2.0-M1.

2. We are still on Scala 2.7.7. No excitement :) Lift is very
sensitive to Scala version and the stability of Lift (and it's
dependencies including Scala) is very important for those who are
critically dependent on Lift. That said, Heiko maintains Lift's port
on Scala 2.8.0 280_port actively. But that's not yet ready - you have
been warned :)

3. The whole Lift codebase is split into three top level projects:

(a) Framework:
The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
mean just that. Doing a "git pull" or "git clone" as usual, changing
to framework directory and running "mvn install".

(b) Archetypes:
The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

(c) Examples:
All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
war files up there serve no good purpose.

4. Lift now has the OAuth integration for real! Plough through
framework/lift-modules/lift-oauth and framework/lift-modules/lift-
oauth-mapper for the juicy stuff.

Please do a "mvn -U clean install" for framework, archetypes and
examples and do intense test on SNAPSHOT as much as possible. And
report any defect [3] that you come across. This would help us close
them before now and the actual release of 2.0-M1. Your help in testing
is necessary in getting a great release (first in 2.0 series, first in



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