Can you fill in some more specifics?
What code do you bind with?
What output do you see in View Source?

Madhav<> wrote:

hi all
I am trying to use jquery calculation plugin (
with my lift project. What i am trying to do is to use this plugin to
do mathematical operation like addition,substarction of some
textfields values and display result in readonly text field. When i
run the project everything runs fine without error but autocalculation
part does'nt works. I am binding my field elements like this
 < form : ratio>< input type="text" align="centre" size="8" id="sum2"
name="sum"/><form:ratio/> .
Autocalculation part works well when i remove binding
(<form:ratio>,<form:ratio/> ) attribute  from the fields .
Any ideas how can i make this work??


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