Playing around with the TextileParser code, I am using paraFixer.  I
noticed that <b>bold</b> yields bold HTML.  Similarly, <em>italic</em>
yields italic HTML.  But <strong>bold</strong> does NOT yield bold
HTML...  Looks like we need to add some extra tags to the function
isValidTag.  I'd like to see tags like <strong>, <i>, and <u> added
for consistency.


How complete is the Textile support?  Is there a wiki page that
describes what is supported?  The closest thing I could find was

I am interested in some basic wiki-markup to HTML translation, like
*bold* and _italic_, but not the more advanced stuff like embedded
images or links to other pages.  For security reasons, I am interested
in a layer that escapes offending HTML like <script> or <img> or
something that could be dangerous.  Is that what I would get if I
called TextileParser.toHtml(toParse: String, disableLinks: true)?
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