Thanks for the response.  I have created a small project here: (btw - the zip file is so big because there are
3 heap dumps - before that it was only 21k!) which i believe does
exhibit the problem.  One comet actor page which gets updated every 20
sec. via tick.
So to run this, I've built the war file and installed it into a Jetty
6.1.22 installation.  The file etc/memtest.xml goes in the jetty/
contexts dir.
I open my Firefox browser to the only page it shows and just leave it
open for about four hours now - so the session should still be active,
An additional thing I'm noticing now is that despite not much else
happening in the app, the comet responses are taking just under 20
sec.  That seems huge.
There are two things I notice in the heap dumps: one is the large
number of xml.Text objects and their Strings, but second the 5800
anonFuncs from the DatastreamActor which are being held by the S
$ProxtFuncHolder.  I guess I could look up the API on that to see if
there's a way to controls its behavior...  but there it is.
Thanks to anyone who takes a look at this, Mark

The stdout:
>>>DataStreamActor.lowPriority: HostAddMsg local
ds count 4
DataStreamActor.refreshStreams: now we know about stream count: 8
INFO - Service request (GET) /memtest/comet_request/2021921075/
p6s263zexmzz took 19513 Milliseconds
>>>DataStreamActor.lowPriority: HostAddMsg local
ds count 4
DataStreamActor.refreshStreams: now we know about stream count: 8
INFO - Service request (GET) /memtest/comet_request/11287578067/
p6s263zexmzz took 19879 Milliseconds
>>>DataStreamActor.lowPriority: HostAddMsg local
ds count 4
DataStreamActor.refreshStreams: now we know about stream count: 8
INFO - Service request (GET) /memtest/comet_request/26532853932/
p6s263zexmzz took 19868 Milliseconds
>>>DataStreamActor.lowPriority: HostAddMsg local
ds count 4
DataStreamActor.refreshStreams: now we know about stream count: 8
INFO - Service request (GET) /memtest/comet_request/11619469749/
p6s263zexmzz took 19918 Milliseconds

On Jan 16, 2:32 am, Marius <> wrote:
> Lift GC is likely keeping your functions to not expire but this is
> meant to be that way ... but this doesn't explain the large amount of
> functions. Can you post a minimalistic example of your app where you
> can reproduce this behavior?
> Br's,
> Marius
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