Wiki article for how to POST to an external XML API.

On Jan 25, 1:47 pm, Strom <> wrote:
> Ok thanks!
> For those of you looking to do add Databinder's dispatch to your Lift
> project, you should add these to your pom.xml:
> within <repositories>...
>     <repository>
>       <id>net.databinder</id>
>       <url></url>
>       <snapshots />
>     </repository>
> within <dependencies>...
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>net.databinder</groupId>
>       <artifactId>dispatch-http_2.7.7</artifactId>
>       <version>0.6.6</version>
>     </dependency>
> Of course, please replace "2.7.7" in the dependency above with your
> version of scala, and "0.6.6" with whatever version of Dispatch you
> plan to use. You can browse their repository online (http://
> and see what's most up to date if you're into
> that.
> Strom
> On Jan 25, 12:28 pm, Strom <> wrote:
> > One more simple question. How do I go about incorporating Quartz or
> > Dispatch into my current lift project? Is it as simple as adding
> > dependencies to my pom.xml, or do I have to download the files and put
> > them in my netbeans project? n00b...
> > Thanks,
> > Strom
> > On Jan 25, 11:30 am, Strom <> wrote:
> > > Thank you David and Ewan. Very helpful!
> > > Strom
> > > On Jan 25, 10:51 am, Ewan <> wrote:
> > > > I used apache camel (6 months ago or so) to send/receive the requests
> > > > then parsed the xml response.  Works fine.
> > > > -- Ewan
> > > > On Jan 25, 8:41 am, Strom <> wrote:
> > > > > Hey all,
> > > > > I'm planning on using solr for a web project that I'm doing, and I was
> > > > > wondering if anyone had experience with using Solr or communicating
> > > > > with another external xml api? I've got a few questions.
> > > > > 1. What is the most straightforward way to POST to an external url?
> > > > > I'm going to be sending Solr server XML commands to index and commit
> > > > > data for search within my app, and I've seen people discuss Scala's
> > > > > Dispatch library, but I'm not exactly sure what its strengths are or
> > > > > if I should use it over apache http library or curl.
> > > > > 2. Would it be safe to say that this use case (sending POSTs to an
> > > > > external URL asynchronously) is a good thing for Lift's actors to
> > > > > handle? I'm very green to the concept of actors, so I'm trying to find
> > > > > when it's best to use them.
> > > > > 3. I'm planning on doing a monthly rebuild of the index (or possibly
> > > > > some other timespan tbd), and I've read that Quartz is good for
> > > > > scheduling. Is there documentation I can read for information on how
> > > > > to integrate this Java library (or any java library for that matter)
> > > > > into my lift app and use it?
> > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > Strom

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