I am a newbie to Lift and Scala.  I'm registering users and once they
have entered the information in successfully.  I want to redirect to a
"thank_you" page that will display a snippet

            <entry:fullname/> thanks for joining Echo.  The
                instructions for completing the signup process have been sent to
                your email address, <entry:email/>

I assume that when I redirect it doesn't hold the state of the user

On submit I invoke signup

def signup(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {

ThanksMessage function....................

def thanksMessage(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
    print("Username: " + user.username)
    bind("entry", xhtml,
           "fullname" -> Text(user.userProfile.fullName),
           "email" -> Text(user.email))

I have declared a RequestVar object

** object userVar extends RequestVar(new User()) **

but I'm sure that it is creating an empty user object in my RequestVar
userVar when I redirect.

Is a StatefulSnippet the solution for this?  I just think that there's
a much simpler solution that I'm overlooking.


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