
A colleague of mine did a skeleton project for sbt. It may give you
some hints how to proceed.


Cheers Joni

On Jan 30, 8:14 am, "Neil.Lv" <anim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>    How to use the sbt with lift project ?
>    I try to use the sbt and get this errors, Does anybody know what's
> wrong with it ?
>    Maybe i missing something else ?
>    Here is the log:
> #############################
> I create this file like this in the build directory.
> G:\project\test\project\build\TestProject.scala
> import sbt._
> class TestProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultWebProject(info)
> {
>   override lazy val jetty = "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "6.1.22" %
> "test->default"
> }
> #############################
> G:\project\test>sbt
> G:\project\test>set SCRIPT_DIR=G:\cygwin\home\
> G:\project\test>java -Xmx64M -jar "G:\cygwin\home\sbt-
> launcher-0.5.6.jar"
> Project does not exist, create new project? (y/N/s) : y
> Name: test
> Organization []:
> Version [1.0]:
> Scala version [2.7.7]:
> sbt version [0.5.6]:
> :: retrieving :: sbt#boot
>         confs: [default]
>         2 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (9911kB/625ms)
> :: retrieving :: sbt#boot
>         confs: [default]
>         3 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (3409kB/547ms)
> [success] Successfully initialized directory structure.
> [info] Building project test 1.0 using sbt.DefaultProject
> [info]    with sbt 0.5.6 and Scala 2.7.7
> [info] No actions specified, interactive session started. Execute
> 'help' for more information.
> ----  1:  Get this error when use sbt update command
> G:\project\test>sbt update
> G:\project\test>set SCRIPT_DIR=G:\cygwin\home\
> G:\project\test>java -Xmx64M -jar "G:\cygwin\home\sbt-
> launcher-0.5.6.jar" update
> [error] G:\project\test\project\build\TestProject.scala:5: error
> overriding lazy value jetty in class BasicWebScalaP
> roject of type TestProject.this.Task;
> [error]  value jetty needs `override' modifier
> [error]   val jetty = "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "6.1.22" % "test-
> >default"
> -----  2:  When I add the override in the definition, and get this
> error.
> [error] G:\project\test\project\build\TestProject.scala:5: error
> overriding lazy value jetty in class BasicWebScalaP
> roject of type TestProject.this.Task;
> [error]  value jetty must be declared lazy to override a concrete lazy
> value
> [error]   override val jetty = "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" %
> "6.1.22" % "test->default"
> [error]                ^
> [error] one error found
> Compilation unsuccessful.
> -----  3:  Add lazy into the statement and get this error.
> [error] G:\project\test\project\build\TestProject.scala:5: error
> overriding lazy value jetty in class BasicWebScalaP
> roject of type TestProject.this.Task;
> [error]  lazy value jetty has incompatible type sbt.ModuleID
> [error]   override lazy val jetty = "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" %
> "6.1.22" % "test->default"
> #############################
>   Thanks for any help!
> Cheers,
>   Neil

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