I heard Scala/Lift speed is very good. How many req/s can the old and
the new system process?

On Nov 18 2009, 5:16 am, harryh <har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been a bit coy about it on the list, but three months ago when I
> joined the team at foursquare.com I made the final decision that we
> would port our webservers to Scala/Lift.  It took about 3 months, but
> foursquare.com is now basically running only on Lift(1).  This
> includes the website, a mobile website (m.foursquare.com) and a simple
> (but growing!) REST api (api.foursquare.com).
> I'd like the send a huge thank you to dpp and the rest of the Lift
> team. You've built a really great framework here, and I look forward
> to using it and seeing it grow for many years to come. An additional
> thanks goes out to all those who have answered my many random
> questions over the past couple of months.
> For those who haven't yet found out about foursquare, you can read
> more about it here:http://foursquare.com/learn_more
> Anyways, that's about enough self promotion, but I did want to
> officially let the community know about what I hope will be a fairly
> high profile site that is using Lift.
> -harryh
> (1) Haven't quite ported feeds.foursquare.com, and there is a legacy
> PHP based REST api that will live on for a bit longer as it supports
> current versions of our iPhone app.

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