On 8 February 2010 17:16, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm wicked pleased that James Strachan has joined the Lift committers.  I'm
> looking forward to the cool stuff that James will add to Lift.
> Please join me in welcoming James!

Thanks David!

Now I just hope I can actually find something interesting to
contribute after that welcome :)

The first thing I was pondering about was a way of easily using
Scalate templates if folks wanted to use, say, Scaml (like a Scala
version of HAML) instead of the usual XML template files in Lift...


I know template engines can be like IDEs - very personal things and
I'm totally happy for folks to use whatever template engine/markup
floats their boat - I just figured a bit more choice for lifters might
be a good thing?


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