Understood, just wanted to ensure.

Cheers, Indrajit

On 22/02/10 4:25 PM, tbje wrote:
Hi Indrajit,
I was a little bit lazy and updated an old pom by hand.

Just pushed a new pom.xml using the following mvn
archetype:generate :

mvn archetype:generate -U -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb -
DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank -DarchetypeVersion=2.0-
scala280-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeRepository=http://scala-tools.org/repo-
snapshots -DremoteRepositories=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots

Didn't solve the problem :(

Best regards

On 19 Feb, 16:32, Indrajit Raychaudhuri<indraj...@gmail.com>  wrote:

  From cursory glance it appears that some old form of archetype (pre
Lift 2.0) had been used to generate the project. What command line
option did you use in "mvn archetype:generate" to create the project?

This is just a request for qualification.

Cheers, Indrajit

On 19/02/10 8:22 PM, tbje wrote:

Thank you for rapid replies and a great framework. I opened ticket
#357 for this issue.

Best regards

On 19 Feb, 15:22, Marius<marius.dan...@gmail.com>    wrote:
Yeah AFAIK Scala 2.8 integration is not 100% done and fully tested.


On Feb 19, 3:52 pm, tbje<trond.bjerkestr...@gmail.com>    wrote:

Hi Marius,
I discovered the issue while porting a working application from 2.7.7
to lift 2.0-scala280-SNAPSHOT and scala 2.8.0.Beta1.

In the example application I provided it's possible to change the
pom.xml by replacing
and the application is working as I'd like it to :)

I therefor believe it's a lift 2.0-scala280 issue.

Best regards

On 19 Feb, 14:12, Marius<marius.dan...@gmail.com>    wrote:

Can you also try with Scala 2.7.7 ?

On Feb 19, 2:26 pm, tbje<trond.bjerkestr...@gmail.com>    wrote:

I've been testing out the Lift-2.0-scala280-SNAPSHOT a little bit and
found a issue with Comet actor, setHtml and ajaxInvoke.

When trying to invoke the following partial update nothing seems to
partialUpdate(SetHtml("field",<input type="button"
onclick={ajaxInvoke(() =>    JsRaw("alert('hi')"))._2} value="Say hi" /


This works as expected however:
partialUpdate(SetHtml("field", a(() =>    JsRaw("alert('hi')"),

I've created a example app to illustrate the problem if someone is


Best regards

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