On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
> I'm starting to have second thoughts about having css or js combine
> (concatenation of multiple files into a single response) on lift side.
> I'm starting to question that real benefits as in production sites in
> many cases the lift app has a http reverse proxy front end that can
> serve static content js/css etc. Thus combining multiple js/css with
> simple tools seems more practical.
> Thoughts?

By simple tools I assume you mean at build time? How would this handle
classpath resources?

I don't think that doing it on the lift side conflicts with the
reverse proxy. If everything is configured correctly, the proxy should
only fetch the resource from lift once, see that the resource expires
far in the future and cache it.

There are a number of (I think) conflicting scenarios that Lift should support:

1) Good defaults that deliver great performance out of the box without
too much hassle during development/build/deploy time. This is where I
think Lift combining resources would be used.
2) The absolute best performance no matter what. This probably
includes multiple hosts for static resources, CDNs etc. If you're
going this route you're willing to sacrifice ease of use for that last
ounce of speed.

If/when load time becomes an issue for us this will be one of the
first things I'll try to investigate :-)


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