On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 7:36 AM, aw <anth...@whitford.com> wrote:
> On Feb 24, 12:47 pm, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk> wrote:
>> We're currently using Rails migrations and I've been thinking if
>> putting migrations into the app is really the right approach? What
>> happens if migrations fail? It's not easy for the app itself to
>> rollback to the previous version :-)
> There is obviously a strong relationship between the code and the
> database, especially when you are adding columns/fields to tables/
> classes, so I like managing the code and database together.  But as
> much as I like the DSL approach of Scala-Migrations, I'm sticking with
> the richness of Liquibase:  http://liquibase.org/

Ouch. Much too verbose to my liking :-) What are the features you use
that is not available in e.g. Scala migrations?


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